sweet family

sweet family

Saturday, August 27, 2011

for your entertainment.

I am the klutziest, clumsiest person I know.
Here's a highlight reel from the past few weeks. (Key word "highlight," as in not ALL that happened.)

1. A few weeks ago I was deep cleaning the kitchen. Our sink is white-ish. The faucet is just white. The spray nozzle is the same as the faucet - no separate sprayer for this sink. I realize it's dirty. I turn it 180 degrees to clean it. I have no clue why, but I got the ingenious idea to put my face right up to it and pull it as I turned it, at full force. I SLAMMED myself in the nose and had to sit down for a minute. That hurt.

2. Last weekend I took my silicone cover off of my phone so that it would fit in my pocket of my dress for a wedding. (For pictures, people, not texting.) As I'm leaving, I feel it in my pocket. I get in the car, and it's not there. We backtrack, we don't find it. There's a small search party. We go back to the car. It's between the seat and the center console. At least we found it!

3. Also last weekend, while heading to the Braves game a group of us decide to take Marta. (Side note, I highly recommend this option if you go to a game this year!) We purchase two round-trip tickets. We go through the gate and wait for the train. As we board the plane, my ticket flies out of my hand. Where does it fly to? Not the ground. Not 5 feet away like in the movies where I can dash after it. Nope. Not me. That little piece of paper goes straight down about 5 feet through a 6-inch crack between the boarding area and the train. Guess who bought a second ticket.

4. I saved the best for last on this one. It's really a tie between this and number 3. Lately, I have been lazy and driven from my house to the park (a whopping .2 miles). It's hot. I'm tired after my run. Etc. Today, I decided to be green and use my 5-minute warm-up walk to go up there. I put my key in the little key pocket of my shorts, turn on my music, and hit the trail. I get back to my front yard, reach for my key, feel it in my fingers (I think) and then it's gone. "It probably bounced off my shoe and landed in the grass or under the car," I think to myself. So I hunt for about 10 minutes. No sign of the key. Lovely. Thank God I have code for my car, so I rummage in it to find something like a plastic credit card (this time it was a hotel key card) as David has previously proved that when the front door is not dead-bolted, we can get in after about 2 attempts with a credit card. (Safe, huh?) Takes me about five times, but I make it in. Woo-hoo. Success. The story, however, does not end there. About five minutes ago, as I finally change out of my running clothes (been home about 1.5 hours), I hear something hit the ground. A pretty, shiny silver key. I am baffled. Speechless. Where on earth was that thing hiding?!

I hope you laughed as much as I did.