sweet family

sweet family

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Approaching single digits...

On Tuesday, we will officially hit the single-digit countdown. Crazy! Time really is flying by!

We have the furniture in the nursery set up. My mom is making the bedding. David and a team will hopefully be able to paint the room this upcoming weekend. I've got a baby shower Sunday. So much to do, but so much to look forward to.

We are still getting settled in the apartment. I'm still trying to find a place for everything and sort through what we don't need. My goal is to finish everything in the next two weeks, if not this week.

I kind of spiraled since my last post. I just got worn down, overwhelmed, and stressed out. So many people offered to help, but I didn't know where to begin. I was completely exhausted Wednesday night but couldn't fall asleep... until 6 AM. Unwillingly, I took the day off of work. I vegged alllllll day. The only productive thing I did was one load of laundry, and I took a friend to pick up her car. As much as I hated taking the day, I definitely needed it. I have slept better and felt so much more at ease since I took the time off. God knew I needed it. I guess that's why He kept me awake Wednesday night!

David and I have had a productive but incredibly great weekend. We feel like we've just been going non-stop lately. While we still ran errands over the weekend and got things accomplished, we really enjoyed taking our time running errands and grabbing a bite to eat. We went to a childbirth class on Saturday that we both found very helpful and informative. After that, we went and had maternity pictures made. It was fun! Amanda at Southern Rivers is great and has been so accommodating to our busy schedules. I'll be sure to post/link some once we get them all in a week or two. She's posted two on facebook, and we are pleased!

We busted out the original NES this week. Yes, folks, the original Nintendo. We are on World 8 of Super Mario 3. We didn't skip any worlds with whistles, either! Boom! (Confession, David is waaaaay better than me. Most of the levels are stamped with an M. But, I totally kick his tail in Donkey Kong!)

Hey, how about them Dawgs?! Yeaaaaaaa!! We were able to watch/listen to some of the game despite our crazy Saturday. We got back in the car from the maternity shoot right before Georgia scored the final touchdown. Woohoo!! Glory, glory to ole' Georgia!

Thanks to Kristin, I bought the knock-off version of Zantac, and my reflux has really died down. Thanks, girl! I definitely sleep better!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

29 down, 11 to go

Wow. It's been a bit of a whirlwind since my last update.

We moved to an apartment complex within the past two weeks. We are still adjusting. We both feel like we are living in a hotel. With the exception of decorating and the entirety of the baby room, we are pretty much unpacked. There's still a little bit here and there. Thanks to our awesome friends who helped us get out and in in a day!

Work has kept both of us on our toes. We are both incredibly grateful to have jobs we love, though. So, we can't complain. We have our stressful days (today being one of mine), but all in all we both love what we do. I overheard David talking to a friend the other night, and he said something like, "No matter where I am, I don't see myself doing anything other than law enforcement. I love it." Makes me smile. I am so proud of him, so happy he is happy, and so thankful that he can turn off the "tough cop" just as quickly as he can turn it on.

Some sweet friends of ours got married this past weekend. Sonia and Thomas, your wedding was perfect. I kept telling myself I wouldn't cry, but I think y'all had everyone teary at the vows. It was a fun celebration of the life you guys have together! Thank you for letting us be a part of it. :) We love y'all!

I'm officially 29 weeks pregnant. I feel like I've started to drop, and several people have commented that it looks like I have. Crazy! I feel like I've handled the pregnancy pretty well thus far, but I can feel myself becoming more easily agitated and short-tempered. I'm trying to work through it and control it (and NOT use it as an excuse), but you folks out there be patient with me, please! I still feel pretty well for the most part. My one, consistent complaint is acid reflux/heartburn. It doesn't matter what I eat or when, that stuff hits me hard and quick and lasts forever. Thank God to whoever created Tums! I feel like I eat them like candy for dessert before I go to bed. I go to the doctor every 2 weeks now; pretty soon I'll be going weekly. One of the hospitals offers a childbirth class. They have a series or an all-in-one day option. Due to our work schedules, David and I decided to knock it out in one day at the end of this month. I'm sure we'll be overwhelmed with information, but we are looking forward to it. We are also having maternity pictures taken after the course. I'm excited about that!

I'm so happy it's Fall, and that the weather has been more Fall-esque. It still gets hot and humid, but nothing like those 90-100 degrees. The breezes are wonderful, and the colors starting to change always makes me happy.

Side note - it REALLY bothers me how close the paper towels are in proximity to the trash can at Target. I feel like it's a race to wheel it down and grab it before it touches the trash on top. Always freaks me out. And I always immediately sanitize when I walk out. Eee. It's just gross.

I can't believe the holidays are right around the corner. I can't believe little man will be here before we know it. It's still sinking in that we're about to be parents.

In other news, it's Boss's Day. And this is exactly how I feel about my boss! She's great, but I do not ever want to fill her shoes. Ever.