sweet family

sweet family

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Approaching single digits...

On Tuesday, we will officially hit the single-digit countdown. Crazy! Time really is flying by!

We have the furniture in the nursery set up. My mom is making the bedding. David and a team will hopefully be able to paint the room this upcoming weekend. I've got a baby shower Sunday. So much to do, but so much to look forward to.

We are still getting settled in the apartment. I'm still trying to find a place for everything and sort through what we don't need. My goal is to finish everything in the next two weeks, if not this week.

I kind of spiraled since my last post. I just got worn down, overwhelmed, and stressed out. So many people offered to help, but I didn't know where to begin. I was completely exhausted Wednesday night but couldn't fall asleep... until 6 AM. Unwillingly, I took the day off of work. I vegged alllllll day. The only productive thing I did was one load of laundry, and I took a friend to pick up her car. As much as I hated taking the day, I definitely needed it. I have slept better and felt so much more at ease since I took the time off. God knew I needed it. I guess that's why He kept me awake Wednesday night!

David and I have had a productive but incredibly great weekend. We feel like we've just been going non-stop lately. While we still ran errands over the weekend and got things accomplished, we really enjoyed taking our time running errands and grabbing a bite to eat. We went to a childbirth class on Saturday that we both found very helpful and informative. After that, we went and had maternity pictures made. It was fun! Amanda at Southern Rivers is great and has been so accommodating to our busy schedules. I'll be sure to post/link some once we get them all in a week or two. She's posted two on facebook, and we are pleased!

We busted out the original NES this week. Yes, folks, the original Nintendo. We are on World 8 of Super Mario 3. We didn't skip any worlds with whistles, either! Boom! (Confession, David is waaaaay better than me. Most of the levels are stamped with an M. But, I totally kick his tail in Donkey Kong!)

Hey, how about them Dawgs?! Yeaaaaaaa!! We were able to watch/listen to some of the game despite our crazy Saturday. We got back in the car from the maternity shoot right before Georgia scored the final touchdown. Woohoo!! Glory, glory to ole' Georgia!

Thanks to Kristin, I bought the knock-off version of Zantac, and my reflux has really died down. Thanks, girl! I definitely sleep better!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

29 down, 11 to go

Wow. It's been a bit of a whirlwind since my last update.

We moved to an apartment complex within the past two weeks. We are still adjusting. We both feel like we are living in a hotel. With the exception of decorating and the entirety of the baby room, we are pretty much unpacked. There's still a little bit here and there. Thanks to our awesome friends who helped us get out and in in a day!

Work has kept both of us on our toes. We are both incredibly grateful to have jobs we love, though. So, we can't complain. We have our stressful days (today being one of mine), but all in all we both love what we do. I overheard David talking to a friend the other night, and he said something like, "No matter where I am, I don't see myself doing anything other than law enforcement. I love it." Makes me smile. I am so proud of him, so happy he is happy, and so thankful that he can turn off the "tough cop" just as quickly as he can turn it on.

Some sweet friends of ours got married this past weekend. Sonia and Thomas, your wedding was perfect. I kept telling myself I wouldn't cry, but I think y'all had everyone teary at the vows. It was a fun celebration of the life you guys have together! Thank you for letting us be a part of it. :) We love y'all!

I'm officially 29 weeks pregnant. I feel like I've started to drop, and several people have commented that it looks like I have. Crazy! I feel like I've handled the pregnancy pretty well thus far, but I can feel myself becoming more easily agitated and short-tempered. I'm trying to work through it and control it (and NOT use it as an excuse), but you folks out there be patient with me, please! I still feel pretty well for the most part. My one, consistent complaint is acid reflux/heartburn. It doesn't matter what I eat or when, that stuff hits me hard and quick and lasts forever. Thank God to whoever created Tums! I feel like I eat them like candy for dessert before I go to bed. I go to the doctor every 2 weeks now; pretty soon I'll be going weekly. One of the hospitals offers a childbirth class. They have a series or an all-in-one day option. Due to our work schedules, David and I decided to knock it out in one day at the end of this month. I'm sure we'll be overwhelmed with information, but we are looking forward to it. We are also having maternity pictures taken after the course. I'm excited about that!

I'm so happy it's Fall, and that the weather has been more Fall-esque. It still gets hot and humid, but nothing like those 90-100 degrees. The breezes are wonderful, and the colors starting to change always makes me happy.

Side note - it REALLY bothers me how close the paper towels are in proximity to the trash can at Target. I feel like it's a race to wheel it down and grab it before it touches the trash on top. Always freaks me out. And I always immediately sanitize when I walk out. Eee. It's just gross.

I can't believe the holidays are right around the corner. I can't believe little man will be here before we know it. It's still sinking in that we're about to be parents.

In other news, it's Boss's Day. And this is exactly how I feel about my boss! She's great, but I do not ever want to fill her shoes. Ever.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

She can walk through walls!

Remember how I ranted about people being so gutsy when they drive? I SWEAR people just love to cut out in front of someone because they just know you would rather slam on your brakes than crash. If I said that already, sorry. But geez!

I also think people think other people have the ability to walk through walls. Example: I was walking down a wide, empty school hallway the other day. I was walking on the right side, because that's the side you're supposed to walk in. Preggo belly, work bag, and all, I was right up against the wall despite the empty hallway... two ladies come walking toward me, and I swear they thought, "Oh, we don't have to move to our right side of the hall, because that lady can walk through walls!" Seriously, I got as flat as I could get, and ended up having to stop and turn sideways. No lie. Behold, I cannot walk through walls.

David and I went to Steak n' Shake last night. I wanted a chocolate shake. We sat in the drive-thru, which I'm aware usually takes a few minutes there, when I realized the person in front of me was having a conversation with the lady working the speaker! I mean, full-blown, talking, laughing hysterically conversation. I get it- you want to talk to your boo. But could you circle back around after someone actually orders? We sat there almost 5 minutes before driving around to the window to ask if we could order from there when "boo" came around right behind us, so I just drove away. Steak n' Shake- you were spared from pregnant hormones and a protective hubby!

Alright, enough rants. Thought some of you might find them comedic.

I'm 6 months pregnant! WHOA! Can't believe we are going to be parents in a few months. It is going to fly between football, weddings, holidays, and such. David and I are actually moving to an apartment in a few weeks. HUGE PRAISE! Won't go in to all the details, but just another time where God's timing and provision were just perfect. Why do we question or doubt Him?!

I think I'm going to rename our son Bam-Bam. This kid is all over the place!

My family threw a sweet shower for me last week when my oldest sister was in town with her family. Missed those who could not be there, but it was a very sweet time. Our little man racked up on some goodies that mommy and daddy can't wait to use!

Ok, it's not Fall yet. But the weather has just been beautiful lately! Especially the cool mornings. So nice!

That's all folks!

Friday, August 31, 2012

just because it's been a few weeks.

It's (almost) September!
So much to look forward to this month.
College football! Can I get an Amen?!
My sister and her family visiting
No agenda shopping trips
Our second anniversary
David goes back to day-shift for four months! Can I get another Amen?!

Things have been going pretty well. Pregnancy-wise, everything looks great! We are so thankful! Work is keeping my busy, as I'm finally full-time/salaried. I have some new clients, so that's been an adjustment for me. I've had the same 2 since I started working for the company. Now, I have 5. They keep me on my toes! One of my kids was bummed about going camping this weekend because it meant I wouldn't see him after school on Friday and because I couldn't go with them. Melted my heart!

David is still enjoying his job. Never a dull moment! Especially lately. Poor guy... hopefully things will settle down a bit when he switches shifts next week. We did find out that the average salary of a McDonald's manager is $38,500, while the average salary of a police officer is $35,000. I'm just saying, one carries a gun and fights crime - the other oversees flipping burgers and serving fries. (Ok, I know managers do more than that, but you get my point.)

Really nothing else to mention. Just felt like I was overdue for an update.

I stole this from sweet Mary Grace. I haven't done one yet, and I thought it would be fun.
How far along? 22 1/2 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes

Stretch marks? Nope :)
Sleep: It's been a rough week. I don't feel uncomfortable; I just feel restless.
Best moment this week: Random lady at Publix told me I looked gorgeous on a rough day, sweet man going through a tough time commented on my "glow," felt my silly boy hiccup all through a meeting this morning, found an awesome Batman onesie at Old Navy
Movement: Lots of it!
Food cravings: Athens food. As in Athens, GA. As in I may take a day trip just to eat there (and of course see friends!).
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. I've had a bit of "reflux" or something at night. But otherwise no complaints.
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Excited!
Looking forward to: my family shower next week, shopping for more clothes and necessities, fall weather
Anything else? Thankful that right now my work schedule is incredibly accommodating to my sleep schedule, when I do sleep.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Philippians 4:19

"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."-Philippians 4:19

Wow. We are just days away from the halfway point to our little man's arrival, and I am overwhelmed with all that the Lord has met our needs already. And we still have a ways to go...

Just a few examples...
-The day after we found out I was pregnant, I got a raise at work, which has since turned into a salary.

-We were GIVEN a crib. With a mattress. Even better, I really wanted dark wood furniture (crib, changing table, etc.), and sure enough, that's what we were given. So thankful, and so grateful knowing that this crib has already been prayed over many times by precious people. I feel like God's safety net was around it before it even touched our hands.

-Alright, so crib-check! The search sort-of began for a dresser/changing table combo. I didn't really want two separate pieces of furniture, and I wanted the changing pad barriers to be detachable if any were even on the dresser. That's what I wanted. What we needed was a changing table, period. Back to the "sort-of" search. Well, there wasn't really a search. I knew everything in stores was too expensive, and I had only glanced at Ikea. But behold! A sweet member of Christ Community was serving in the nursery with me recently and asked if I was going to the upcoming consignment sale. She then told me her daughter was selling a dresser/changing table if I was interested. Ummm, yes! Do you have a picture?... It was settled before we left church that it was ours. Guess what. It's a near match to the crib. Guess what else. The changing pad rails/barriers are detachable to make the top flat when we don't need the pad anymore. How cool is that? And did I mention it was a steal?! This beauty looks brand new, and we got it for a wonderful, affordable price.

-On to the consignment sale... David and I went hunting for a jogging stroller right when they opened. We found a few, but we weren't set on any. David wandered over to the actual stroller systems and found the identical one we registered for, for just over half the price. Stroller, car seat, and two bases. At first, I was hestitant, because I had heard stories of used car seats, etc. So what does God do? He provides sweet "second family" members to be right there, right when we couldn't decide to take it or leave it. These sweet ladies checked everything we didn't know to check for, and we felt at piece walking out with our man's mode of transportation.

-David and I decided that I would take 8 weeks maternity leave. When we made this decision, I wasn't salaried, and therefore would have no paid leave. So that was 8 weeks without a paycheck from me that we were preparing ourselves for. Since our decision, I've been bumped up to salary and will now have at least 2-3 weeks paid. It may not cover the whole thing, but it definitely helps.

Those are just a few examples. I love how God provided our NEEDS that also matched our wants. Pretty awesome.

We have already been blessed with sweet gifts here and there... outfits, accessories, blankets. We've been able to pick up a few things ourselves... clothes, diapers... and we grabbed a few other baby gear items at the consignment sale.

I hope this isn't coming across as "look at what we got!" I'm really just excited to share how the Lord has made it all happen. We are truly blessed. David and I have done our best not to be concerned with anything and to just try and figure things out as they go... We have tried not to focus on, "How are we going to afford this?" and other questions like that. Whenever we hit a block (which thanks be to God we really haven't), we, well David says, "We'll figure it out. We always do." We don't have to have top-of-the-line, best-of-the-best, brand-new things. We are so grateful for the already used and loved items we have received. Our bank account is especially grateful :)

We are overwhelmed with how much our boy is already loved. We thank you for your love, prayers, and support. We are excited, and so immensely blessed, to have so many to share in this journey with us.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."  -Matthew 6:34, NIV

"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." -Matthew 6:34, MSG

Saturday, August 4, 2012

i can't wait.

i can't wait to...

teach him about the Lord
have superhero, transformers, pirate, etc. birthday parties
bring him to work functions so he can interact with handi-CAPABLE kids
see David to teach him everything he knows about baseball, football, and everything else
hear him say "Go Dawgs!" and "Who Dey!"
hear him laugh
see what color his eyes are
jump in mud puddles and dance in the rain
teach him about the true meaning of CHRISTmas and and yet still have santa
wrap him up in cute pjs and blankets
NOT teach him black and white - my parents didn't teach me, and i'm better for it
help him go through the toys he's outgrown to give to less fortunate kids
listen to him talk about his day at school
take him to football games and baseball games
take him to church
take him to see all the people who love him
watch him sleep
skype with his big cousin carleigh and her sweet mommy and daddy
take him on a hike
take him to the beach
run with him, even when we're pushing him in stroller
make animal noises
pretend to be monsters
play with nerf guns
encourage his learning, creativity, athleticism... whatever his interests are
put a bandaid on a cut and "kiss it and make it better"
hear him say "mommy" and "daddy"
watch him play with friends
teach him to read
hear him laugh
see the man he will become...

david and i are so blessed. our little david (aka "tripp") is already so loved. we are so grateful.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


I have a very hard time typing the words constitution and institution. I REALLY have to think about them. I actually messed up constitution the first time I tried to type it in here.

My dogs make me laugh. I've been taking fairly consistent (almost daily) naps until a couple of weeks ago. To this day, when I walk in the house, they go immediately to the bedroom door, wagging their tails, ready for naptime. Might not sound funny. But it is to me!

I'm 15 1/2 weeks along now. Crazy. David and I both got to feel our little one move on Wednesday morning. So cool! We're supposed to find out this week if we're having a boy or a girl; hopefully baby will cooperate! I've really been blessed with a pretty easy pregnancy. Other than fatigue (which I completely expected due to stories from my mom and sister combined with my thyroid disorder), I really haven't had too many problems. Had a little nausea here and there, but it wasn't unbearable. Only got sick once. My tailbone gets a bit tender from time to time. David affectionately calls me "tenderbutt." Thanks, honey.

I haven't had a ton of "O.M.G. I need this NOW!!" cravings. Thank God! I'm a big fan of "man food." Ruffles or Wavy Lay's with French Onion Dip. BBQ. Chinese/Japanese/Thai. Mashed potatoes. Chinese/Japanese/Thai. French Onion Dip. Chinese/Japanese/Thai. Ha. I can put away some hibachi chicken or sweet and sour chicken. Mmmm. I have turned down ice cream more since I've been pregnant than I think I have in my whole life. I really like smoothies right now. And lemon-lime gatorade has been a hit for awhile. Oooooh, I went to Target the other day and got an Arctic Blast- mostly cherry with a tad blue raspberry. Best $1.81 I've spent in weeks. If not ever. I might have to go back weekly. YUM!

7 weeks until college football! Can I get an AMEN?!
Speaking of, I need new UGA shirts ASAP.

I REALLY wish radio stations would quit playing "Call Me Maybe." I've been rotating between country and 88.5 for awhile, but when they're both on commercial I switch back to the pop stations. Almost every time that song is on one if not both stations I typically listen to. Ahh so annoying.

I've seen people make some pretty gutsy left turns lately. Almost all of them involve slowing or completely stopping at the intersection when they don't have the green arrow anymore and then deciding to just bolt through in front of traffic. If you're gonna bolt, then bolt! Don't stop and then go for it. Apparently all drivers assume people would rather slam on their brakes and flip out than be hit. I think there's some law or something about how it's our responsibility to make sure the intersection is clear before going, too. I'll have to ask David about that. But seriously, no lie, I've seen at least three cars do it in the past week in BIG intersections. Get to the light, stop/yield, BOLT! I'm pretty sure one accident was avoided by about half an inch. I just don't get it.

There are crickets or some type of bug that have suddenly appeared outside our house. I feel like I'm at a lakehouse when I try to go to sleep. I can't decide if it's peaceful or annoying yet.

Speaking of our house, you should buy it. Or tell a friend about it. Or your cousin's girlfriend's sister's uncle. Anyone.

Lots to look forward to in the next several months, other than having a baby. Two beach trips, wedding events, several weddings, sister + fam coming for a visit, our anniversary, my first NFL game, birthdays, holidays, hopefully moving, seasons changing, college football... I LOVE FALL. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

Friday, June 22, 2012

twice in a week. whaaaat?

What a week!
Finally got to announce our news - part of why I haven't blogged! Didn't want to accidentally drop some hints!

A sweet, new, precious friend was offered (and accepted) an incredible job opportunity! Yay, Christy!

One of my best friends passed a super hard test! Yay, Sonia!

My "sister from another mister" got engaged! Yay, Alli & Chris!

I am just in awe of God's timing and His provision. Oh my goodness. Right after we found out we're expecting, I got a raise! Praise God! Also, I knew I would be stepping down from consistently volunteering in the chuch nursery once a month come Fall, and before I could even mention it, sweet Cailey was ready to relieve me immediately. Precious heart of hers! That's just one of the reasons I love her! I'm also in charge of gathering a communion team once a month, so I wanted to delegate the "leadership" aspect sooner than later. About a month ago, someone volunteered to serve consistently every Sunday I'm in charge of, leaving me with two spots to fill. Usually, that's me + one more. Just this week, I found out that someone else volunteered for the same Sunday leaving just my spot to fill. Perfect! God is good ALL THE TIME. AMEN AMEN AMEN!
Those might seem trivial, but they were just huge blessings from the Lord for me. I really do not like saying, "no." But God has really shown me the past few years to think before I immediately say "yes" to a project/event/volunteering/etc., and I praise Him for that guidance.

Side note, my cousin and I are three months apart, and we are so close- best friends, brother/sister. I am so blessed to have grown up with Rob and always having him to count on, even when he's all the way in Italy. So, where's this side note going? Well, Rob and his precious wife Mary are due in November, and we are just behind them in January. Even though they are thousands of miles away for the next few years, I am excited that our kids will have a similar opportunity to grow up together, even if it is through Skype and vacations. We will have to teach them that noogies, silly pictures, and referring to each other as "cuzy cuz" are the coolest things to do.

Also, slightly random - anyone who knows my husband knows how much he loves food. He LOVES food. Did I mention he loves food? Okay, it's not that bad, but it is comical with friends and family. I swear both of his legs are empty. So anyway, anyone who knows him knows he typically does not "share" food, unless you are a 3-year-old named Olivia. Well, he ordered mashed potatoes the other night, and they looked so good... He allowed me my usual "one bite" and saw my face melt. Sweet husband pushed his bowl of mashed potatoes to me without the slightest hesitation. Ohmygoodness. They were sooooo good. Boy, did he learn fast!

Honestly, on a serious note, David has been so great. (If you don't want the mushiness, stop reading here.) He works until midnight right now, and he calls every night (if I'm still awake) asking if I'm hungry, thirsty, etc. I can honestly say that usually the answer is no, but it's still thoughtful. He never gets on to me for looooong naps or for the house being a mess. After work, I typically come home, put on comfy clothes, and hit the couch until bed; so, needless to say, housekeeping hasn't been a high priority. I'm starting to get my energy back, but that was the norm for a few weeks. No complaints! I am happy to rest while I can. (Also God's provision, my work schedule has totally given me the opportunity to nap in the middle of the day if needed.) Anyway, back to David- he's just been great. Super sweet, helpful, and considerate. I am one lucky lady. So, so blessed.

Mmm. Mashed potatoes.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

for anyone following.

It's been awhile. Again. Sigh.

A couple of weeks ago I tried to turn the vacuum cleaner off by pulling the chain on the ceiling fan. That didn't work. I was really sad I was by myself when it happened, because no one was there to laugh at me.

Cailey Dumler is AWESOME. What an asset and blessing she is to Christ Community and pretty much anyone who comes in contact with her. LOVE HER! Again, she is AWESOME!

One of the best parts about David being on the evening shift is really being able to catch up with people. I won't lie, I'm selfish with my time with him. I get stingy, especially when he's on this shift. As much as I dislike his late nights, I love the extra time I have to catch up with friends, especially people who live far away! Sweet phone calls over the past week have been so good for my heart!

Have I mentioned how awesome my friends are? I don't mean to brag, but I'm surrounded by a pretty rockstar group of people. I am overcome by how blessed David and I are to have such wonderful people in our lives. Our families are pretty great, too. Can't leave them out!

Hey, are you looking for a starter home or investment property? Buy our house! :)

If you haven't eaten at Wasabi, you should go. Get their Hibachi chicken. Go for lunch, but not on Sundays - no lunch prices on Sunday! Mmmmm it is soooo good! I hear the sushi is good, too. I don't like sushi. Bleck.

I love my church. It's awesome. If you're looking for a church, come sit with me sometime! Great staff, great pastor, great mission, just great great grrrrreat!

Have you had sour patch kids popsicles yet? No?! Go to Wal-Mart. Buy some. Thank me later.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter thoughts.

Happy Easter! He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Every Easter weekend, I become overcome with joy. Uncontainable, indescribable JOY. I have been saved. My debt is paid. I am spared. I have a seat waiting for me at the right hand of God. AND I DID NOT DO ANYTHING TO DESERVE IT. He simply chose me. And you. And you. And you and you and you and you. How great His grace, His love, His mercy...

As much as today is about the resurrection, I can't help but think of His death- one piece of it, specifically. "Two other men, both criminals, were also led out with him to be executed. When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots." -Luke 23:32-34

Are you kidding me?! I remember wanting to punch a doctor for giving me a shot of cortisone in my ankle, even though I knew it would feel better. Jesus was NAILED to the cross. Completely alert. NAILED. And He was pleading forgiveness for those who pierced Him?! Seriously?! How incredible. What an incredible, selfless, amazing act of true grace. A grace which has been freely given to each of us. Man. Just soak that in for a minute. Or an hour. Put yourself in the shoes of those who nailed Him to the cross. Imagine Jesus pleading for your forgiveness, for your salvation, for your life. I am overcome. How blessed am I. How blessed are we.

He does not need to fight for us; for He has already won the battle. But we must fight. He has equipped us with everything we need. "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand." -Ephesians 6:13

Oh, praise Him!

' “Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?”
The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.' -1 Corinthians 15:55-57

"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." -Isaiah 53:5

"For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost." -Luke 19:10

Christ is risen from the dead
Trampling over death by death
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave

Christ is risen from the dead
We are one with him again
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave

Oh death! Where is your sting?
Oh hell! Where is your victory?
Oh Church! Come stand in the light!
The glory of God has defeated the night!

Oh death! Where is your sting?
Oh hell! Where is your victory?
Oh Church! Come stand in the light!
Our God is not dead, he's alive! he's alive! -Matt Maher, "Christ is Risen"

Happy, blessed Easter to you. Rejoice! He is risen!

Friday, March 30, 2012

for kaci.

Reading Kaci's blog today, she said she wished her friends updated more. So this is for you! :)

I really dropped the ball on my list of February thankfuls. :( It really was the best I've had in years.
And BAM! It's just about April. Crazy.

Kaci is pretty awesome. She is hilarious. I pray for her often, especially when I eat peanut butter. :) Speaking of peanut butter, a friend of mine introduced me to Peanut Butter & Co.'s White Chocolate Wonderful Peanut Butter. It's AH-mazing! I gave up sweets for Lent, but it's peanut butter, right?! It's my new favorite snack on a rice cake. YUM! They sell it at Wal-Mart and Winn Dixie. They also have Cinnamon Raisin and Dark Chocolate. Do yourself a favor and go by some. You're welcome. Back to Kaci... she's pretty rad. If you don't know her, you're missing out, especially because she has this awesome little boy in her life now! LOVE HIM! I need to see the g-man soon.

P.S. I played with marbles as a kid, Kaci. I probably didn't do it right, but my cousin and I tried. We were more obsessed with these marble tracks our Papa made us, though. So yes, people played them!

So... I don't know what to blog about. I feel like my life is boring. I'm content with it, though. I really like where things are, and I am constantly reminded of how blessed I am. You're reading this... what do YOU want me to blog about?

I don't like pencils. I despise them. I love a good roller/ball point pen. bic's velocity are my fave. How's that for random?!

We're trying to sell our house. Perfect starter home. You should buy it. :)

I have a love/hate relationship with technology. Anybody with me? Love and hate the convenience of it, but I think I love it a little more than I hate it. Makes it super easy to keep in contact with people at the drop of a hat. I love getting a text that says, "You've been on my mind today. I've been praying for you." That would take days and 44cents to get to me! And the Lord knows that I needed that in THAT moment. So yea, I love it more than I hate it.

I really love the Lord's timing. I catch myself not liking it sometimes, but I am always, ALWAYS reminded that He is faithful. I remember how I wanted things in the past, and when/how He made them happen (or not happen sometimes) was so much BETTER.

Several of my friends are about to embark on some incredible, God-anointed journeys. I praise His for their obedience, for the impact they have made, and the impact they have yet to make. You are all so loved and admired.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I need some accountability.

Let me just say that, so far, February has already blown me away. So far, it's the best in years. Alright, let me reflect on the past few days... or week, rather.

Day 5 continued.
-The Super Bowl commercials made me laugh.

Day 6
-I don't remember anything specific. I'll be honest. So, I'll say it was a good day! I know it was, because I haven't had a bad one yet.

Day 7
Boy, was I blessed this day.

-So many phone calls, texts, facebook comments, etc. to wish me a happy birthday. I am SO LOVED!
-Abundant sunshine & beautiful weather.
-I was able to take the day off and spend it with my sweet hubby, who just happened to have the day off already. We didn't do anything out of the ordinary, just enjoyed being together. (Sorry for the sap, but it's the honest truth!)
-Being with my family.
-Sharing the candles with Granny. It's against my nature not to lick the icing off of them.
-Loving on my sweet nephew. :)

Day 8
-Dinner with friends.
-Being able to look back and laugh about moments that originally weren't so funny.
-A patient husband.

Day 9
-Encouraging, unexpected text messages.
-Girls' night! It's been too long!
-Yummy dinner.
-Left-over ice cream cake.

Day 10
-Productive work days.
-Lunch with my best friend and her hubby at a new establishment.
-Friendly people.
-A quiet Friday night.

Day 11
-My best friend's birthday!
-Great dinner.
-Laser tag!
-Hanging out with my in-laws.
-Lots of laughs.
-Running into old friends.

Day 12
-Christ Community Church. I just love it.
-Serving communion. Love being a part of the Lord's supper. Such an honor.
-More info on the special needs ministry! Can't wait for Access 18:16.
-Gabe Lesley. LOVE.
-LL Cool J just said a public prayer on the Grammy's for Whitney Houston. Major props.
-Hearing Luke Smith sing "10,000 Reasons."
-The new song we learned at church today, "Sometimes."
"Let's risk the ocean, there's only grace."

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Days 2-5.

I'm behind already. Eeek!

Feb. 2
-Gabe Lesley. Sweet little man. Loved meeting him. LOVE him.

-Roses from my mother-in-law just because. Even better - my favorite kind of rose- two-toned. The tips are a different color from the actual bloom. I LOVE those. And those happen to be the kind sitting on my kitchen counter. Sweet Pam.

-Gabe Lesley. He deserves a second mention! So happy for the Lesley family!

Feb. 3
-I walked into the office and heard "Happy Birthday!" from everyone. No, not my actual birthday, but we only all see each other once a week at our meetings. The center table was covered with doughnuts, coffee, cinnamon rolls, muffins, and strawberries. YUM!! So sweet of them. I was craving doughnuts and coffee like crazy that morning! I love my co-workers. And my job. So blessed!

-The fact that Friday starts my actual weekend. I worked in retail for awhile, and I love actually having a weekend. I try to never take it for granted!

-Running errands with David. We always have fun. Grocery store, TJ Maxx, Target... doesn't matter. He decided to steer me at Wal-Mart that night. Never a dull moment with him.

Feb. 4
-Dinner and Wii games with friends. Loved that they hosted us! So sweet!

-Sleeping in.

-The tree in our neighbor's yard is just GORGEOUS! I don't know what it is, but it only blooms a few times a year. So pretty.

-This weather is crazy for February, but it's beautiful. I'll take it!

Feb. 5
-Loving on the little ones at church. I love it. And I love doing it with my best friend.

-Found out they are starting a special needs ministry at our church. Exciting!!

-Reading for fun & NOT studying. So nice.

-Open windows. Sunshine. Fresh air.

-Clean clothes. Thankful I don't have to use a laundromat; though, I'm not above it.

-Officially meeting Cailey. She's awesome! And so sweet! Thank God for great leaders at our church.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Alright, so... I'm not the biggest fan of February, BUT I'm determined to stay positive throughout this month. I believe that February can prove me wrong. I believe that my sweet, gracious LORD is bigger than February, and that this year it's going to be FABULOUS! So, I'm trying to extra hard to look for the little things to laugh at, be grateful for, etc. That being said, I'm going to try to make a happy list everyday throughout the month. Keep me accountable!

1. I told one of my co-workers to have a "funtabulous" day. I just love that word. It makes me laugh. And I really want everyone to have a fun/fabulous/fantastic day every day :)

2. The weather was BEAUTIFUL this morning. Absolutely perfect.

3. Rihanna's new song "We Found Love." Yes, it's on my list. The beat makes me happy. It's catchy. It makes me want to sing, dance, clap, and run all at the same time (which I envisioned myself doing and laughed out loud to myself a little).

4. David cooked dinner.

5. I've got some pretty sweet friends and family who help keep me going and know exactly what I need to hear.

6. When I got home, David told me, "We're going to Chill tonight." Dang. He really had to twist my arm for that one. NOT. Mmmm. So good!

7. Walked into Subway, and they were playing "Wannabe" by Spice Girls. Awesome.

8. I get to meet a sweet baby boy named Gabe tomorrow! So excited!

9. Trader Joe's movie theater popcorn. YUM!

10. I made it to 10! My goal was 5!