sweet family

sweet family

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

nothing exciting.

I don't have much. Feel free to move on.

I think a lot of people forgot about MLK day. Some people worked, some didn't. Regardless, it's a day that should be recognized like any other holiday. Praying for a day when ignorance and prejudice truly do die...

Teething sucks. It's from the devil. Just in case I haven't mentioned that before.

Tripp INHALED two slices of pizza last week. TWO. Minus the crust. I didn't even eat that much. (No comments on what I should or shouldn't be feeding my kid.) Seriously, kid. I blame David. Empty-leg-syndrome. Always-hungry-syndrome. Eats-anything-in-sight. I could go on.

Tripp has FIVE teeth coming in. Poor thing. I hate when he's not himself. Makes me sad!

I did NOT win mommy award this past Sunday. All three of us FINALLY made it to church - on time, at that! And I swear satan took that and ran... David went to watch football, no biggie. Except I got a massive migraine that would not let up. And teething sucks. And Tripp was super grumpy and clingy. And the washing machine got clogged. Took me 5-6 hours to get a load of towels "washed." Yea... those got re-washed after David fixed it. I just lost my cool. My flesh got the best of me. My anxiety was through the roof. I had to put Tripp in the crib and take a mommy break. I was rude to David. Just not a good day. Not proud moments in my book by a long shot.

But aside from Sunday (and teething, which is no fun), the week has gone well. Working on REALLY doing DAILY devotionals. I'm bad about skipping/forgetting and then reading 2-3 days worth at a time. I'm really trying to center things around God and my family again. It's funny how much time goes by before you realize where you focus is (or isn't).

Our house is a little quieter. My phone usually has enough battery to make it through another day without a charge. We play and read and talk and pray.

I love the stage Tripp is in (minus the teething). He is really showing us his personality in even the little things. He takes his shoes off, then tries to put them back on but can barely get them on his toes. Then he just puts them next to each other (or throws them across the room - ha! Gotta teach that kid patience and to keep trying). He can point to things he wants, shake his head for what he doesn't want, working on using some signs (we got "more" tonight during dinner - looks more like clapping, we called it a success)... He's figured out how to get on and off his riders. He has figured out how to look under things and on top of things... It's just amazing the things he didn't do less than a month ago that he does now. No, he's not walking. We are afraid he is just going to skip walking and go straight to running!

I'm jealous of people I know who are just funny. Kaci, Peyton, Rachel... just to name a few. I want to be funny! Forgive my jealousy.

I think Facebook should have a spin off called "Pitybook" or "Dramabook." Or that they would just remove the ability to have status updates. I try to just pray for folks I see being all debbie-downer.

I cannot stand Kenny Chesney. At all. Not even a little. I'll take talk radio or silence over that. I don't know why.

I feel like I'm getting way better with my time management. Still areas to improve on, but I'm getting there. Makes me feel good.

Getting back into running. Feel free to ask me how it's going. I ran 10 minutes straight the other day. I didn't quite make it a mile, but I lasted 10 minutes... Couldn't tell you the last time I did that. Here's to a couple 5k's coming up... and maybe, just maybe, a half-marathon.

Speaking of 10, I slept 10 hours Friday night. It was glorious. Hasn't happened in years. Maybe college. Beautiful, uninterrupted sleep. Ahh...

I feel like hashtagging isn't cool anymore. But I'm just getting into it. Y'all forgive me.

I'm trying to (cheaply) spruce up my wardrobe. I've got a lot of stripes or solids in drab colors... Lame!

I really want someone to adopt Holden. Praying so hard for that boy! If you have lots of money and are looking to adopt a teenager from China - go get Holden.

I am really on a French Toast kick right now. I've eaten twice already this past week. Yum.

Trader Joe's peppermint hot chocolate or apple cider? That's the conundrum for tonight.