sweet family

sweet family

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I need some accountability.

Let me just say that, so far, February has already blown me away. So far, it's the best in years. Alright, let me reflect on the past few days... or week, rather.

Day 5 continued.
-The Super Bowl commercials made me laugh.

Day 6
-I don't remember anything specific. I'll be honest. So, I'll say it was a good day! I know it was, because I haven't had a bad one yet.

Day 7
Boy, was I blessed this day.

-So many phone calls, texts, facebook comments, etc. to wish me a happy birthday. I am SO LOVED!
-Abundant sunshine & beautiful weather.
-I was able to take the day off and spend it with my sweet hubby, who just happened to have the day off already. We didn't do anything out of the ordinary, just enjoyed being together. (Sorry for the sap, but it's the honest truth!)
-Being with my family.
-Sharing the candles with Granny. It's against my nature not to lick the icing off of them.
-Loving on my sweet nephew. :)

Day 8
-Dinner with friends.
-Being able to look back and laugh about moments that originally weren't so funny.
-A patient husband.

Day 9
-Encouraging, unexpected text messages.
-Girls' night! It's been too long!
-Yummy dinner.
-Left-over ice cream cake.

Day 10
-Productive work days.
-Lunch with my best friend and her hubby at a new establishment.
-Friendly people.
-A quiet Friday night.

Day 11
-My best friend's birthday!
-Great dinner.
-Laser tag!
-Hanging out with my in-laws.
-Lots of laughs.
-Running into old friends.

Day 12
-Christ Community Church. I just love it.
-Serving communion. Love being a part of the Lord's supper. Such an honor.
-More info on the special needs ministry! Can't wait for Access 18:16.
-Gabe Lesley. LOVE.
-LL Cool J just said a public prayer on the Grammy's for Whitney Houston. Major props.
-Hearing Luke Smith sing "10,000 Reasons."
-The new song we learned at church today, "Sometimes."
"Let's risk the ocean, there's only grace."

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Days 2-5.

I'm behind already. Eeek!

Feb. 2
-Gabe Lesley. Sweet little man. Loved meeting him. LOVE him.

-Roses from my mother-in-law just because. Even better - my favorite kind of rose- two-toned. The tips are a different color from the actual bloom. I LOVE those. And those happen to be the kind sitting on my kitchen counter. Sweet Pam.

-Gabe Lesley. He deserves a second mention! So happy for the Lesley family!

Feb. 3
-I walked into the office and heard "Happy Birthday!" from everyone. No, not my actual birthday, but we only all see each other once a week at our meetings. The center table was covered with doughnuts, coffee, cinnamon rolls, muffins, and strawberries. YUM!! So sweet of them. I was craving doughnuts and coffee like crazy that morning! I love my co-workers. And my job. So blessed!

-The fact that Friday starts my actual weekend. I worked in retail for awhile, and I love actually having a weekend. I try to never take it for granted!

-Running errands with David. We always have fun. Grocery store, TJ Maxx, Target... doesn't matter. He decided to steer me at Wal-Mart that night. Never a dull moment with him.

Feb. 4
-Dinner and Wii games with friends. Loved that they hosted us! So sweet!

-Sleeping in.

-The tree in our neighbor's yard is just GORGEOUS! I don't know what it is, but it only blooms a few times a year. So pretty.

-This weather is crazy for February, but it's beautiful. I'll take it!

Feb. 5
-Loving on the little ones at church. I love it. And I love doing it with my best friend.

-Found out they are starting a special needs ministry at our church. Exciting!!

-Reading for fun & NOT studying. So nice.

-Open windows. Sunshine. Fresh air.

-Clean clothes. Thankful I don't have to use a laundromat; though, I'm not above it.

-Officially meeting Cailey. She's awesome! And so sweet! Thank God for great leaders at our church.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Alright, so... I'm not the biggest fan of February, BUT I'm determined to stay positive throughout this month. I believe that February can prove me wrong. I believe that my sweet, gracious LORD is bigger than February, and that this year it's going to be FABULOUS! So, I'm trying to extra hard to look for the little things to laugh at, be grateful for, etc. That being said, I'm going to try to make a happy list everyday throughout the month. Keep me accountable!

1. I told one of my co-workers to have a "funtabulous" day. I just love that word. It makes me laugh. And I really want everyone to have a fun/fabulous/fantastic day every day :)

2. The weather was BEAUTIFUL this morning. Absolutely perfect.

3. Rihanna's new song "We Found Love." Yes, it's on my list. The beat makes me happy. It's catchy. It makes me want to sing, dance, clap, and run all at the same time (which I envisioned myself doing and laughed out loud to myself a little).

4. David cooked dinner.

5. I've got some pretty sweet friends and family who help keep me going and know exactly what I need to hear.

6. When I got home, David told me, "We're going to Chill tonight." Dang. He really had to twist my arm for that one. NOT. Mmmm. So good!

7. Walked into Subway, and they were playing "Wannabe" by Spice Girls. Awesome.

8. I get to meet a sweet baby boy named Gabe tomorrow! So excited!

9. Trader Joe's movie theater popcorn. YUM!

10. I made it to 10! My goal was 5!