sweet family

sweet family

Saturday, July 14, 2012


I have a very hard time typing the words constitution and institution. I REALLY have to think about them. I actually messed up constitution the first time I tried to type it in here.

My dogs make me laugh. I've been taking fairly consistent (almost daily) naps until a couple of weeks ago. To this day, when I walk in the house, they go immediately to the bedroom door, wagging their tails, ready for naptime. Might not sound funny. But it is to me!

I'm 15 1/2 weeks along now. Crazy. David and I both got to feel our little one move on Wednesday morning. So cool! We're supposed to find out this week if we're having a boy or a girl; hopefully baby will cooperate! I've really been blessed with a pretty easy pregnancy. Other than fatigue (which I completely expected due to stories from my mom and sister combined with my thyroid disorder), I really haven't had too many problems. Had a little nausea here and there, but it wasn't unbearable. Only got sick once. My tailbone gets a bit tender from time to time. David affectionately calls me "tenderbutt." Thanks, honey.

I haven't had a ton of "O.M.G. I need this NOW!!" cravings. Thank God! I'm a big fan of "man food." Ruffles or Wavy Lay's with French Onion Dip. BBQ. Chinese/Japanese/Thai. Mashed potatoes. Chinese/Japanese/Thai. French Onion Dip. Chinese/Japanese/Thai. Ha. I can put away some hibachi chicken or sweet and sour chicken. Mmmm. I have turned down ice cream more since I've been pregnant than I think I have in my whole life. I really like smoothies right now. And lemon-lime gatorade has been a hit for awhile. Oooooh, I went to Target the other day and got an Arctic Blast- mostly cherry with a tad blue raspberry. Best $1.81 I've spent in weeks. If not ever. I might have to go back weekly. YUM!

7 weeks until college football! Can I get an AMEN?!
Speaking of, I need new UGA shirts ASAP.

I REALLY wish radio stations would quit playing "Call Me Maybe." I've been rotating between country and 88.5 for awhile, but when they're both on commercial I switch back to the pop stations. Almost every time that song is on one if not both stations I typically listen to. Ahh so annoying.

I've seen people make some pretty gutsy left turns lately. Almost all of them involve slowing or completely stopping at the intersection when they don't have the green arrow anymore and then deciding to just bolt through in front of traffic. If you're gonna bolt, then bolt! Don't stop and then go for it. Apparently all drivers assume people would rather slam on their brakes and flip out than be hit. I think there's some law or something about how it's our responsibility to make sure the intersection is clear before going, too. I'll have to ask David about that. But seriously, no lie, I've seen at least three cars do it in the past week in BIG intersections. Get to the light, stop/yield, BOLT! I'm pretty sure one accident was avoided by about half an inch. I just don't get it.

There are crickets or some type of bug that have suddenly appeared outside our house. I feel like I'm at a lakehouse when I try to go to sleep. I can't decide if it's peaceful or annoying yet.

Speaking of our house, you should buy it. Or tell a friend about it. Or your cousin's girlfriend's sister's uncle. Anyone.

Lots to look forward to in the next several months, other than having a baby. Two beach trips, wedding events, several weddings, sister + fam coming for a visit, our anniversary, my first NFL game, birthdays, holidays, hopefully moving, seasons changing, college football... I LOVE FALL. LOVE LOVE LOVE.