sweet family

sweet family

Friday, August 31, 2012

just because it's been a few weeks.

It's (almost) September!
So much to look forward to this month.
College football! Can I get an Amen?!
My sister and her family visiting
No agenda shopping trips
Our second anniversary
David goes back to day-shift for four months! Can I get another Amen?!

Things have been going pretty well. Pregnancy-wise, everything looks great! We are so thankful! Work is keeping my busy, as I'm finally full-time/salaried. I have some new clients, so that's been an adjustment for me. I've had the same 2 since I started working for the company. Now, I have 5. They keep me on my toes! One of my kids was bummed about going camping this weekend because it meant I wouldn't see him after school on Friday and because I couldn't go with them. Melted my heart!

David is still enjoying his job. Never a dull moment! Especially lately. Poor guy... hopefully things will settle down a bit when he switches shifts next week. We did find out that the average salary of a McDonald's manager is $38,500, while the average salary of a police officer is $35,000. I'm just saying, one carries a gun and fights crime - the other oversees flipping burgers and serving fries. (Ok, I know managers do more than that, but you get my point.)

Really nothing else to mention. Just felt like I was overdue for an update.

I stole this from sweet Mary Grace. I haven't done one yet, and I thought it would be fun.
How far along? 22 1/2 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes

Stretch marks? Nope :)
Sleep: It's been a rough week. I don't feel uncomfortable; I just feel restless.
Best moment this week: Random lady at Publix told me I looked gorgeous on a rough day, sweet man going through a tough time commented on my "glow," felt my silly boy hiccup all through a meeting this morning, found an awesome Batman onesie at Old Navy
Movement: Lots of it!
Food cravings: Athens food. As in Athens, GA. As in I may take a day trip just to eat there (and of course see friends!).
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. I've had a bit of "reflux" or something at night. But otherwise no complaints.
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Excited!
Looking forward to: my family shower next week, shopping for more clothes and necessities, fall weather
Anything else? Thankful that right now my work schedule is incredibly accommodating to my sleep schedule, when I do sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I just love you! And can't wait to see you sooner than later! Love your updates. xoxo
